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Priorities, Guidance, and Concepts
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Priorities, Guidance, and Concepts
Priorities, Guidance & Concepts
39th Commandant's Planning Guidance
Marines, after a year serving as your Commandant and visiting with Marines in every corner of our Corps, I remain confident that we are on the right track as a Service. Force Design remains a righteous journey, and we are in perhaps the most difficult phase - implementation. Our aggressive approach made truly significant strides in a few short years. Force Design, to include Talent Management, Training and Education, Installations and Logistics, Project Eagle, and Barracks 2030, involves many key efforts which are still in motion. I won’t sugarcoat it – there are many challenges we still face to stay ahead of the changing character of war. Force Design remains our strategic priority and we cannot slow down.
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FRAG ORDER 01/2024
The Marine Corps will be ready to respond to any crisis or contingency in the future, just as we have in the past. I remain committed to ensuring the Marine Corps remains our Nation’s Force-in-Readiness. We will never lower our standards or sacrifice the reputation associated with the sacred title, “Marine” – and will remain innovative and agile in our approach to warfighting. With your help, we will ensure your Marines are provided with world-class training and improved quality of life and are enabled with the capabilities required to win our Nation’s battles against any adversary. I promise you that every dollar invested will give you the greatest return to realize our modernization strategy, build a more lethal force, and take care of your Marines and their families. I thank the Committee for your continued advocacy and support for your Marines. Semper Fidelis.
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We prepare for the worst-case scenario – the pacing threat. If the day comes that we must face that threat, we will be ready. We accept some risk now to be ready for the future. This is what professional organizations do: prepare for the future.
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Talent Management 2030: Annual Update March 2023
I N T R O D U C T I O N Talent management is the act of aligning the talents of individual Marines with the needs of the Service to maximize the potential of both. Since the release of Talent Management 2030 (TM2030), we have been progressing toward a talent management system that better harnesses each Marine’s unique talents to improve our readiness and extend our advantage over competitors. In doing so, we have taken significant steps to evolve our human resource development process to better meet the demands of current and future battlefields, to include revising and streamlining personnel policies and processes, while investing in information systems to retain the talent we recruit. This report reviews the progress made over the past year, while also charting a course for the way forward. Reorienting and reconfiguring our human resources enterprise into a talent management system is a work in progress, but one that is well underway. The actions we have taken, and those we will take, ensure we will remain the Nation’s premier expeditionary force-in-readiness within the rapidly-evolving world we face.
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Installations and Logistics: Annual Update March 2023
This doctrinal publication focuses on logistics. It describes the theory and philosophy of military logistics as practiced by the United States Marine Corps. It provides Marines a conceptual framework for understanding how logistics is an essential aspect of every military operation.
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Force Design 2030: Annual Update June 2023
This report describes progress to date on the United States Marine Corps’ Force Design 2030 (FD 2030) modernization effort. This year’s report explains the current state of our modernization effort by reviewing the progress we have made toward our goals in the past year, providing my direction to the Marine Corps on steps requiring action now, and identifying issues needing further analysis to support future decisions.
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Training and Education 2030
This report sets a new direction, describing how we will transform T&E for the future force. It incorporates best aspects of our time-tested process of making Marines, feedback from Marines in the FMF, and lessons learned from years of force-on-force (FoF) exercises into explicit guidance for improvements to T&E. This report explains the lessons we have learned and how those lessons will be used to make improvements. The report also identifies areas requiring further study so that we can broaden the scope of our organizational learning across the entire training and education enterprise.
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Force Design 2030: Annual Update May 2022
This report describes progress to date on the United States Marine Corps’ Force Design 2030 (FD 2030) modernization effort. This year’s report explains the current state of our modernization effort by reviewing the progress we have made toward our goals in the past year, providing my direction to the Marine Corps on steps requiring action now, and identifying issues needing further analysis to support future decisions.
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33rd Anniversary of FMFM 1 – Warfighting
A MESSAGE FROM THE COMMANDANT OF THE MARINE CORPS Thirty-three years ago on this date, the 29th Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Al Gray, published Fleet Marine Force Manual 1 - Warfighting. This "little white book" was, and is, one of the most important statements our Service has ever made about how we understand the essential foundations of our profession: what war is, how we prepare for it, and how we fight when it comes. This anniversary is an appropriate time for us to pause and consider the impact of Warfighting, what it means for us today, and where we need to go with its ideas in the future.
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A Concept for Stand-in Forces
We have been here before. Over the course of our history, Marines have often been on the leading edge of our Nation’s forward deployed forces, sensing the environment and reassuring our allies and partners.
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Commandant of the Marine Corps
Priorities, Guidance, and Concepts
Speeches and Transcripts
Message To The Force
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